Our web management services include:
- Web strategy: Developing clear objectives for your website, understanding user segments, and defining the top tasks that the website will support.
- Business requirements: If you’re planning a new website or new web application, we can help you document the business requirements.
- Content strategy: Defining what you’ll write about, in what format, and how often in order to support the your website’s objectives.
- Web publishing guidelines: Developing clear guidance and training materials for people who create content for your website.
- Web governance frameworks: For large complex websites, clear governance and business processes are critical. We can help you define the overall governance framework and the specific business processes needed to support all functions relating to the web.
- Usability assessments: Using usability testing or heuristic usability evaluations, we can assess how usable your website is and identify areas for improvement.
- Web writing: Not enough time or resources to write your own content? We can help by creating web ready copy for you that fits your organization’s needs.
- Web performance measurement frameworks: Is your website doing what it is supposed to do? We can ensure you have clear measurable goals and develop a plan for measuring whether those goals are being met.
All of these services are available on a fixed priced or an hourly basis. You can buy just one of the services or buy a package of multiple services. Please contact us for more information on how we can help your organization make improve the management of its web presence.
Web Management Portfolio
Comprehensive review of SCC’s web presence, development of recommendations for a revamped site,user testing on the proposed new homepage, and support for implementation of the new website, including design iteration, content development and more.
Tell us a story: Annie Crombie helped design and implement a site that would allow businesses to tell a story about themselves and get a personalized list of government.
The goal of this project was to develop an employee portal that will provide all University employees including support staff, professors and researchers, with one single point of access to a secure Web-based tool where they will be able to perform essential work-related tasks and engage in work-based communication.
…the university launched a project to redesign the campus maps and engaged Re-Think to develop the business requirements and proposed functionality for the renewed online campus maps.
The goal of the project was to improve the usability of the websites and also allow them to comply with the new Government of Canada usability standard.
SDP engaged Re-Think to review and analyze the classification systems currently being used and develop a concordance schema that would facilitate a web redesign focused on data sharing and value-added innovation across these information products.
Re-Think was engaged to develop a formal partnering framework.
Annie Crombie was engaged the University of Ottawa to develop a new information architecture for a redesigned student web portal, uoZone.
Re-Think was engaged by Industry Canada to develop a plan for merging together the content from two websites: The Small Business Research and Statistics website and the SME Financing Data Initiative website.
In order to develop efficient and effective business processes for the website, CIHR engaged Re-Think to develop improved processes for creating, publishing and maintaining high quality web content.
CIHR engaged Re-Think to develop a Web performance measurement framework.
Re-Think was engaged by Canada Business to develop a strategy and detailed plan for migrating from 14 separate Web sites and 11 different Web products into one redesigned integrated Web site using CLF2.
The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB) engaged Re-Think to develop detailed metadata schemas to support key Internet and Intranet Web products.
INAC engaged Re-Think to review both content management solutions and determine the pros and cons of both solutions for the portal.
Annie Crombie was engaged the University of Ottawa to develop a new information architecture for a redesigned student web portal, uoZone.
Re-Think was asked to develop recommendations for the rationalization and simplification of document templates and document types in order to make them more relevant and usable for clients and easier to manage for content developers.
Re-Think was engaged to conduct a national (federal, provincial and municipal) and international environmental scan of existing accessibility policy instruments related to property and the built environment, transportation, information and communications technologies (ICTs), procurement of goods and services, and service delivery.
Re-Think was tasked with developing a new taxonomy for classifying documents and to conduct a quality assurance audit on the existing content.
Annie Crombie worked with Industry Canada / Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada in support of its Web Renewal activities relating to the migration of all websites to Canada.ca, including information architecture, content optimization, partner relationship management and usability testing.